Tuesday, January 17, 2012

How it all started

So things are changing. I do not like change especially when it is me that needs to change. Blah! But I will do anything for my children so here goes nothing. My 3.5 year old, Wild Child has sensory processing disorder. He has sensory seeking behavior. Basically he has to touch any and everything. He loves to crash, fall, run, spin, swing, etc on purpose...all the time. I know you are thinking "what 3 year old doesn't" but his is constant. His body needs that sensation. It has been a trial these last few months especially with a sleepless baby (Baby Blue). Don't worry I'll get to him. So Wild Child finally started occupational therapy today. I love his therapist. She is great. Only she is making me change, so I don't like her. Okay I'm kidding, but really I have to do a lot of work to make life manageable for my family, especially Wild Child. I could just say the heck with it and spend my day screaming at my child.. BUT I refuse to be that mom. I don't want to look back on these years or even my children look back and think "wow mom screamed A LOT" The screaming doesn't help. I gave it up. I'm changing who I am as a mother so my children will thrive. I have always been a laid back, just go with the flow person. I have never been a "schedule" person. I hate schedules. I never put my kids on one. I let them determine their own. We just always made it work. Well now that isn't working. I have to make a daily schedule for Wild Child. He needs this. I have to incorporate sensory activities through out his day so that he gets the stimulation he needs in an appropriate manner. Great, extra work me...I'm not complaining, really I'm not. Just afraid. I don't even know where to start. I want to be the best mom for him and give him the best environment that he can function in. Obviously I turned to pinterest for ideas/inspiration. So now I just have to sit down and make a schedule. One that is going to work for everyone in my family. Things we will do daily. Hmmm. I told my husband( Delivery Man) about this. Of course being the wonderful man he is he agreed to help and support me. We both said we should add sex to the daily schedule, then we laughed. We can dream right? I need to get organized, figure out how to get it all done. I have to make a cleaning schedule as well so that my house doesn't show up on an episode of hoarders. I really want to meal plan as well. YES me, becoming organized. All this while attending school too. So while showering I was thinking, "I should blog about it." Of course because that is what everyone does. They all blog about whatever journey they are on in their life. So here I am. I am blogging about it. I am hoping that this will somehow help Baby Blue as well. As of now he rules the house because well he's the baby.